
Ireland Set To Attain 50% Internet Penetration

Ireland Set To Attain 50% Internet Penetration

A new survey from Ovum for the telecoms regulator, ODTR has revealed that 61% of Irish people own a PC and 49% have access to the internet.

Of home internet users, 60% said they used dial-up modems, while 39% had used ISDN connections. 45% of those online had made a purchase over the internet from home. These figures fly in the face of recent research from Amárach Consulting which found that only 38% of Irish adults had access to the net and asserted that the slowdown in the economy was having a detrimental effect on online commerce revenues (see Ireland’s Net Penetration Hits 38%, But Growth Is Slowing).

The Ovum survey revealed that 85% of SMEs have broadband access in Ireland and concluded that a broadband package costing between E40-E60 would attract a large number of companies while E30-E40 would be a fair price for home users.

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