
Myers Attacks ‘Incomprehensible’ Forrester iTV Forecasts

Myers Attacks ‘Incomprehensible’ Forrester iTV Forecasts

Jack Myers has launched an uncompromising attack on Forrester Research following a series of what he sees as ‘almost perversely bullish’ forecasts for the US interactive television industry.

Releasing Myers Report‘s own figures yesterday, Jack Myers berated Forrester’s principal television analyst and forecaster, Josh Bernoff, for his ‘incomprehensibly’ optimistic figures.

As an example, Forrester has forecast that the iTV industry will generate £5 billion in video-on-demand (VOD) advertising revenues by 2007; Myers says that the figure will be well under $500 million. In fact, Myers predicts that the total iTV ad spend in 2007 will only be $1.5 billion.

“How can Forrester responsibly project $5 billion in revenues for an industry that today has virtually no revenue base? Where will the $5 billion come from? Advertising itself will only grow at a compounded rate of less than 5 percent for the next five years,” argues Myers.

In order to get anywhere near Forrester’s $5 billion, spend would have to be taken from other media, claims the article. But is this really likely given that the sector ‘has no established infrastructure for advertising sales, media buying, research or administration?” it asks.

Myers is worried that the continued over-inflation of growth forecasts is damaging to the new media sector, as investors will find themselves disappointed when the promised cash fails to roll in. He has even called for the US Justice Department to launch a full investigation into the motives of Bernoff and other Forrester analysts in promoting what Myers sees as ridiculous prognostications.

As a further example, Myers notes that the total ad revenue all US cable operators in 2002 is projected to be less than the $5 billion that Forrester is forecasting for VOD revenue alone by 2007.

“Bernoff’s projections seem so unrealistic that they have become laughable to those in the advertising and media industries who have some sense of reality. But to an investment community that depends upon Forrester for analyses and financial decisions, an overly ambitious set of expectations, when unrealized, can result in troubled times when numbers fail to materialise,” he says.

Myers own forecasts are shown below.

US Interactive Television Revenues ($ million) 
  iTV Adv. (1-screen)  iTV Adv. (2-screen, TV/Online)  EPG/IPG Adv.  Television Commerce**  iTV Subscription*  Total 
1999 1 3 8 0 120 132
2000 2 5 12 8 280 307
2001 5 12 22 12 340 391
2002 8 24 28 18 530 608
2003 17 50 36 30 950 1,083
2004 32 110 64 80 2,150 2,436
2005 60 260 98 120 4,000 4,538
2006 100 420 183 260 6,800 7,763
2007 230 550 304 400 9,200 10,684
2008 450 730 600 800 14,000 16,500
2009 700 960 900 1,400 18,000 21,960
2010 1,000 1,480 1,400 2,100 25,000 30,980
*Includes video on demand 
**Does not include telephone or internet commerce 
Source: Myers Report, October 2002 

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