
World Internet Population Continues To Rise

World Internet Population Continues To Rise

The number of internet users worldwide is predicted to reach 655 million by the end of this year, according to the United Nations. This is equivalent to one-tenth of the global population and represents a 30% increase on last year’s total of 500 million.

The E-Commerce and Development Report from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) claims that a third of the new users in 2001 were from developing countries although the internet remains largely the preserve of the developed world. In Africa, just one in 118 people have access to the web.

According to 2001 figures, the US was the country with the most internet users, nearly 143 million, and accounted for almost 45% of total world ecommerce. However, the market is approaching saturation point and Canada and the USA saw numbers increase by just 10% last year while other parts of the world experienced more significant growth. In recent months, Nua has produced figures showing that Europe and the Asia/Pacific region have now surpassed North America in terms of number of users (see Global Internet Population Tops 600 Million).

Growth In Internet Users, By Region 2001 
Region  % Growth 
Asia 44
Africa 43
Latin America 33
Europe 33
North America 10
Source: United Nations, November 2002 

E-commerce forecasts Despite the worldwide economic slowdown, e-commerce continues to thrive and estimates show that revenues will total $2.3 billion in 2002, an increase of 50% on last year’s figure. It is forecasted that the trade will be worth $3.9 million in 2003 and if growth is maintained, e-commerce will account for approximately 18% of worldwide B2B and retail transactions by 2006. M-commerce is still in its infancy but the UN claims that revenues will increase from $50 million this year to $225 million in three years time.

Worldwide E-Commerce Estimates & Forecasts ($ billion) 
Source  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006 
Forrester Research     2,293.50 3,878.80 6,201.10 9,240.60 12,837.30
IDC 354.90 615.30       4,600.00  
eMarketer* 278.19 474.32 823.48 1,408.57 2,367.47    
* B2B only
Source: UNCTAD, November 2002; various, as noted 

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