
B2B Sector Boosted By Advertising Upturn

B2B Sector Boosted By Advertising Upturn

Business-to-business adspend increased by 1.6% year-on-year and totalled $656,870.4 million in November, according to new figures from American Business Media (ABM).

The rise followed a decline of 9% in October (see Decline Eases Slightly In US B2B Advertising) but advertising page volumes were down by 4%. The biggest surge occurred in the travel sector which saw revenues climb by 43% to more than $40 million while automotive advertising was up 18%. The main loser was the telecommunications industry where adspend fell by 42% year-on-year.

Overall, both ad spending and ad pages fell by 15% in the first 11 months of 2002. However, there are signs of improvement and Gordon Hughes, the president of ABM, is predicting a 3% increase in B2B ad revenues during 2003.

The US publishing industry has received encouragement from a new survey by the Association of National Advertisers in which 66% of those questioned said they would be inreasing spending on magazines. According to the FIPP, increasing fears over the threat posed to TV advertising by personal video recorders (see PVR Technology Will Force Advertisers To Adapt, Says Forrester) have led to many marketers gaining a new appreciation of the unique relationship a magazine has with its readers.

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