
US Broadband Users Satisfied With Services

US Broadband Users Satisfied With Services

US narrowband internet subscribers are three times more likely to switch from their current ISP than broadband subscribers, according to a new study from the Leichtman Research Group.

The report, Understanding Disconnects, Downgrades and Upgrades, found that one-third of online householders in areas where cable is available now subscribe to a broadband service. In addition, 27% of current narrowband subscribers are interested in getting broadband, and half of this group would be likely to subscribe to broadband if it cost $30 per month.

Broadband internet users tend to be happier with their service with only 6% of those questioned saying that they planned to change providers in the next six months compared to 18% of dial-up users.

“Cable and DSL providers now deliver broadband service to over 17 million subscribers in the United States, and these customers are generally very satisfied,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst of the Leichtman Research Group. “While narrowband subscribers will remain the majority of online users for the next few years, narrowband ISPs are faced with the challenge of retaining subscribers who might want to upgrade to broadband, or downgrade to lower cost narrowband alternatives.”

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