
Affluent Americans Make More Use Of The Net

Affluent Americans Make More Use Of The Net

Despite the efforts to encourage internet usage among lower income groups, over 40% of US web users come from households which earn more than $50,000 per year, according to a new survey from Harris Interactive.

The poll, conducted in November and December, revealed that there are now 140 million people online in the US, equivalent to 67% of all adults in the country. This represents an increase from 60% in 2000.

Harris claims that 57% of adults in the US use the internet at home while 28% are online at work and 18% in other locations. Only 19% of US web users come from homes with an annual income of less than $25,000 whereas 41% come from households which make more than $50,000. The survey complements a 2002 report by Nielsen//NetRatings which found that rich Americans were the fastest growing income group online (see High Earners Driving US Internet Growth).

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