
Survey: 2003 Media Budgets To Rise, Along With Accountability

Survey: 2003 Media Budgets To Rise, Along With Accountability

A survey of over 1,000 US media buying executives has concluded that 2003 will be a ‘rebound year’ for advertising, with 45% of respondents expecting their budgets to increase.

Conducted by online research firm, InsightExpress, and MediaPost, the survey shows that only 18% of buyers are anticipating a budget decline this year.

MediaPost reports that the internet is set to benefit most from those increasing spend, with more than 36% of media professionals expecting to boost online budgets. Other media that can deliver highly targeted audiences are likely to benefit, says the report.

“Advertisers appear willing to spend more this year, but are more apt to spend their dollars on affordable and segmented media choices,” MediaPost quotes Lee Smith, president of InsightExpress. “For media companies, the key to capitalising on the upswing in spending will be to deliver even more value in the form of targeted reach for a reasonable price.”

Accordingly, the survey found that nearly 80% of all media buyers expect to be held even more accountable for results this year than they were in 2002.

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