
Internet Usage On The Rise In Central And Eastern Europe

Internet Usage On The Rise In Central And Eastern Europe

The web is gradually gaining in popularity in Central and Eastern Europe and new figures show that internet penetration in the region will reach 17% in 2003.

According to a new IDC report, Internet Usage and E-Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, 2001-2006, total internet connections will top 5.6 million in 2003. Approximately 85% of these will be dial-up connections.

It is estimated that e-commerce spending in the CEE region will reach â‚Ź4.1 billion this year. Of this total, B2B will account for 90%. The key markets in this area are the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

The relative high cost of internet access continues to restrict the rate of growth in Central and Eastern Europe but broadband is starting to have an impact and IDC predicts that in 2006, 27% of internet users in the region will go online at least once a month and the e-commerce market will be worth â‚Ź16.4 billion.

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