
US Adspend To Rise 3.5% In 2003, Says Initiative Media

US Adspend To Rise 3.5% In 2003, Says Initiative Media

US advertising expenditure will rise by 3.5% to $102.6 billion in 2003, according to forecasts from Initiative Media.

According to the global media agency’s Spheres Of Influence report – which draws on Initiative’s 40 worldwide offices – US radio will show the strongest growth this year, at 4.0%; television will follow at 3.9%.

The cautional caveat with these forecasts is that they were compiled towards the end of last year under the assumption that a full scale military conflict would not break out in the Middle East. As the is officially released this month, this assumption is clearly no longer tenable.

Opinions on the actual effects of the war with Iraq are currently divided, with some commentators claiming that a short incursion will actually have a positive effect on the advertising economy (see INSIGHTanalysis: War And The Ad Economy).

2003 US Advertising Forecasts 
  Spend ($000)  Change (%) 
Television 52,862,306 3.9
Radio 3,060,042 4.0
Press 41,644,168 3.2
Outdoor 2,225,609 2.2
Internet 2,781,000 0.0
Total  102,573,125  3.5 

For Initiative Media’s global advertising forecasts click Global Advertising To Grow 4.5% In 2003, Says Initiative; for the UK forecasts click UK Advertising Forecasts From Initiative Media.

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