
Western Europe Mobile Penetration To Hit 88% In 2007

Western Europe Mobile Penetration To Hit 88% In 2007

Despite mobile penetration already being at 75% in western Europe, an additional 17 million users signed up during the course of 2002, according to figures compiled by the Yankee Group. This brings the regional total to 310 million users.

This could be an overestimate, given that some inactive users are still counted by certain operators, even though in reality these customers may have left to join another operator. In this instance, users are potentially being counted twice. However, Yankee Group notes that the upside to this is that penetration levels may actually be lower than is currently being assumed, offering further room for growth.

Data revenues Looking at the operators’ Q4 and full year 2002 figures, Yankee Group also found that the contribution to revenues from data services (as opposed to voice services) has been weaker than anticipated. Nevertheless, it says that there is not a single carrier lowering its targets for mobile data revenues and Yankee forecasts that data will account for 30% of service revenue by 2007.

Lower prices Take-up of next-generation mobile phone services is likely to get a healthy shot in the arm after the launch of aggressive pricing plans.

“Price leaders such as T-Mobile, which recently espoused a new strategy of driving adoption through aggressive pricing, intends to slash costs to consumers by as much as 70%. Tariff packages available at launch from 3G network operator 3 in Italy and the UK also point to dramatic price competition when these new operators come online,” says the report.

Yankee Group says that the trends point to an exciting 2003 and beyond, as mobile markets and services finally take the form envisaged by the proponents of 3G. The 50-60% of customers currently using SMS on a regular basis will now be exposed to the higher bandwidth services of of multimedia messaging (MMS) and 3G platforms.

Average expenditure on data will grow to nearly $10 per user per month by 2007, maintaining overall revenue growth even as voice average revenue per users (ARPU) begins to decline, according to Yankee Group’s forecasts.

Western European Mobile Forecasts 
  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  CAGR 
Mobile Penetration 79.1% 82.2% 84.5% 86.0% 87.0% 87.6% 2.1%
Total Users (000s) 309,994 322,783 332,598 339,193 343,934 347,142 2.3%
Annual Growth 5.8% 4.1% 3.0% 2.0% 1.4% 0.9%  
Total ARPU (US$/month) $27.87 $28.62 $29.56 $30.40 $31.25 $31.90 2.7%
Voice ARPU (US$/month) $24.29 $23.73 $23.15 $22.66 $22.43 $22.34 -1.7%
Mobile Data ARPU (US$/month) $3.58 $4.89 $6.41 $7.74 $8.82 $9.56 21.7%
Data Percentage of Total 12.8% 17.1% 21.7% 25.5% 28.2% 30.0%  
Total Service Revenue (US$m/year) $100,807 $108,669 $116,252 $122,538 $128,077 $132,286 5.6%
Voice Service Revenue $87,865 $90,106 $91,041 $91,327 $91,946 $92,650 1.1%
Mobile Data Revenue $12,942 $18,563 $25,211 $31,211 $36,131 $39,636 25.1%
Total Annual Revenue Growth  12.7%  7.8%  7.0%  5.4%  4.5%  3.3%   
Source: Yankee Group, March 2003 

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