
Mobile Data Services Help Stem Operator Losses

Mobile Data Services Help Stem Operator Losses

The growing popularity of non-voice services, such as SMS and mobile entertainment, helped to drive a mini-recovery in European mobile revenues during 2002, according to a new study from technology researcher Analysys.

The report, Western European Mobile Forecasts and Analysis 2003-2008 focuses on mobile usage in a number of key markets. After a difficult 2001 during which monthly ARPU fell by an estimated 18.7%, there was growth of 1.7% across the region in 2002.

The survey showed that French and UK users spend the most on mobile services while the biggest improvements occurred in Germany and Spain. In a recent report, the Yankee Group forecasted that mobile service revenues in Western Europe will rise from just over $100 million last year to $132 million in 2007 (see Western Europe Mobile Penetration To Hit 88% In 2007).

Monthly ARPU For Mobile Operators, By Country (â‚Ź) 
Country  2000  2001  YoY Change (%)  2002  YoY Change (%) 
France 39.3 35.8 -8.7 37.3 4.1
Germany 37.0 25.8 -30.2 26.6 3.0
Italy 31.5 28.7 -8.8 28.6 -0.4
Spain 36.6 29.7 -18.6 30.6 3.0
Sweden 37.2 32.5 -12.7 28.5 -12.3
UK 44.3 33.8 -23.9 34.3 1.5
Western Europe 37.6 30.6 -28.7 31.1 1.7
Source: Analysys, March 2003 

Non-voice services Analysys predicts that non-voice services will account for 24% of mobile service revenues by 2005 and 36% by the end of 2008. Person-to-person messaging, which includes email, SMS and MMS, will account for â‚Ź20 billion or 38% of the total with browsing services and e-tainment contributing 27% and 20% respectively.

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