
Only 20% Of US Viewers ‘Likely’ To Pay Attention To Ads, Shows Survey

Only 20% Of US Viewers ‘Likely’ To Pay Attention To Ads, Shows Survey

Heavy TV users may be slightly less likely to pay attention to television adverts, according to data from Jack Myers Report‘s Media Brand Track survey.

The study, which surveyed across 42 entertainment networks, found that an average of 22% of viewers with fewer than 80 channels say they are likely to pay attention to television commercials, whilst only 18% made this claim in homes with more than 80 channels.

Whilst arguably inconclusive on the correlation between heavy viewing and attention to ads, what these figures do show is that around 80% of US TV viewers would not even claim to be ‘likely’ to pay attention to the advertisements at all.

Perhaps even more worrying for the ad industry is that a ‘surprising’ 19% of those surveyed own a personal video recorder (PVR) and more than half of this group are using their PVRs to skip through most or all of the commercials. A further 13% skip through some commercials, according to the report.

Other data from the survey shows that the households surveyed have an average of three television sets, whilst homes with household income greater than $75,000 have nearly four sets, as do homes with teenagers. Of the 64% of homes that have an internet connection, 43% have a high speed system, with 75% of this group using high speed cable and 25% using DSL connections.

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