
Email Marketing Click-Throughs Rise Despite Spam Concerns

Email Marketing Click-Throughs Rise Despite Spam Concerns

Click through rates for email marketing campaigns are on the increase, despite the growing backlash against spam, according to new research from DoubleClick.

The digital marketing agency’s latest Ad Spend Report, for the second quarter of 2003, shows that click-through rates on email marketing material have risen to 8.3%, up from 7.5% in the same period in 2002. The research also revealed that people who clicked on email links did so an average of 1.6 times per email.

Travel emails saw the largest increase in performance year on year, while business products and services both saw slight declines. Performance of consumer products and services and consumer publisher emails remained relatively static year on year.

Commenting on the research, Eric Kirby, vice-president of strategic services at DoubleClick, said: “While we did see a slight improvement in performance metrics year over year, the clear story from these results is the stability in performance that legitimate email marketers are enjoying, an encouraging sign given the current email environment with spam levels continuing to rise.

“Legitimate marketers that continue to use email to enhance their brand and build customer trust are seeing success with email as a communication vehicle.”

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