Internet users now spend more time online than watching television, according to new research commissioned by the recently launched BT Yahoo! Broadband service.
Internet users were also found to place higher value on the services and experiences provided by the web, compared to those delivered by television. Almost half of those surveyed (44%) believed that the internet, rather than TV provides better news and entertainment.
Over 9O% of respondents said that what they liked best about the internet was the ability to find information, followed by online shopping and chat rooms. Consumers also revealed strong brand loyalty to certain internet channels, with 91% personalising their internet browsers by saving their favourite websites.
Commenting on the findings, Duncan Ingram, managing director of BT Openworld, said: “The results of this survey demonstrate to what extent the internet has developed in a relatively short space of time.”
He continued: “While interactive TV is now available, it’s still limited in its capabilities and therefore watching TV remains an essentially passive experience. On the other hand, when your online the possibilities are endless. Not only can you find information from around the world, but you can interact, chat and meet new communities that you might not previously have been aware of.”
BT and Yahoo! recently launched their new high-speed internet service, BT Yahoo! Broadband, with a £10 million above the line marketing campaign (see BT & Yahoo! Launch New Broadband Product).
The new co-branded offering is designed to be the UK’s most advanced broadband internet product, combining high-quality access with a range of content and services for £29.99 per month.