
Western Europe Plugs Into Home Networks

Western Europe Plugs Into Home Networks

The growth in broadband connections is helping to raise the profile of home networking in Western Europe as well as North America and Asia Pacific, according to a new report from In-Stat/MDR.

The research group claims that the number of home networks in the region will rise from 2.8 million in 2002 to 4.5 million by the end of this year, an increase of 60%. By comparison, there are expected to be around 11 million home networks in the US at the end of 2003 (see Home Networks Coming Of Age, Says Jupiter).

“In Western Europe, the very populous countries of Germany and the UK are demonstrating a healthy uptake in residential broadband,” said Gemma Paulo, a senior analyst with In-Stat/MDR.

“Some of the less populous countries, especially in northern Europe and Scandinavia, though, have adopted home broadband at much higher rates. Naturally, a growing segment of these home broadband users desire to share this internet access, via a home network, among multiple users.”

In-Stat/MDR estimates that there will be over 15 milllion home networks in Western Europe by the end of 2007.

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