
Half Of Online US Homes To Use Internet Banking By 2007

Half Of Online US Homes To Use Internet Banking By 2007

More than one quarter of US households bank online and this is forecast to rise to 38.7% by 2007, according to eMarketer’s new report Interactive Banking In The US: Making the Most Of A Multi-Channel World.

The group says that in 2003 there were 27.8 million homes using internet banking. This is 26.1% of all households and 39.5% of online households. The report predicts that by 2007 this will have risen to 38.7% of all households and 50.6% of online homes.

David Hallerman, a senior analyst at eMarketer, says that although the internet is increasingly becoming a mainstream channel amongst US banking customers, it will take a major adoption of online services by consumers for the sector to become ‘the potential profit centre it promises to be’.

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