
Advertisers Fail To Target Surge Of Silver Surfers

Advertisers Fail To Target Surge Of Silver Surfers

Advertisers are still failing to target older internet users despite research which shows that the number of so-called silver surfers has increased by almost 30% since September last year.

The latest figures from Nielsen//NetRatings reveals that there are currently 11.5 million people aged 55 and over using the internet in Europe. Sweden has the highest proportion of older internet users, followed by the UK and Switzerland.

The Italian and Spanish markets have the least silver surfers, although Italy has seen the most rapid growth in this lucrative audience group, with a 3.2% increase since September last year.

The study shows that finance-based sites such as Lloyds TSB and Barclays are particular popular with older internet users. Mapping sites such as multimap.com and streetmap.co.uk also attract large number of this age group.

However, Tom Ewing, market analyst at Nielsen//NetRatings, claims that older internet users are still not effectively targeted by marketers. He said: “Site owners have an opportunity to promote their products and services to this growing audience, many of whom are already organising their finances and booking holidays online. However, they do need to research their audience in order to tailor their sites, products and services more carefully.”

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