
US Adspend Rises 7% In First Three Quarters

US Adspend Rises 7% In First Three Quarters

US advertising spend rose by 7.0% during the first three quarters of the year, to reach $89.6 billion, according to the latest figures from TNS Media Intelligence/CMR. This shows that the US market is continuing its steady climb back to positive growth.

The broadcast sector saw spend rise by 4.5% to $46.9 billion during the year to September, whilst the print sector jumped by 9.1% to $37.9 billion. Sixteen out of seventeen measured media showed growth, with five of those (cable TV, syndication, Spanish language TV, local newspapers and the internet) posting double-digit rises.

“The consistent increase in spending this year speaks to the overall health of the ad market. The quarter-by-quarter market growth we’ve viewed is telling of a positive year for advertising overall,” said Steven Fredericks, president and CEO at TNS Media Intelligence/CMR.

US Advertising Spend, Q1-Q3 
  Year To Sep 2002 (million)  Year To Sep 2003 (million)  Growth 
Broadcast  ÂÂ ÂÂ ÂÂ
Network TV $14,374.0 $14,438.2 0.4%
Spot TV $12,100.4 $11,824.5 -2.3%
Cable TV $7,563.1 $8,848.2 17.0%
Local radio $4,946.3 $5,101.0 3.1%
Syndication – national $2,122.1 $2,471.0 16.4%
National spot radio $1,753.8 $1,924.5 9.7%
Spanish network TV $1,391.1 $1,645.3 18.3%
Network radio $711.3 $735.0 3.3%
Total broadcast  $44,962.1  $46,987.7  4.5% 
Print  ÂÂ ÂÂ ÂÂ
Local newspapers $14,429.3 $16,313.1 13.1%
Consumer magazines $11,803.4 $12,873.5 9.1%
B2B magazines $6,379.5 $6,415.1 0.6%
National newspapers $2,018.0 $2,088.1 3.5%
Free standing inserts $949.4 $1,011.0 6.5%
Sunday magazines $896.9 $943.5 5.2%
Local magazines $223.0 $234.3 5.0%
Total print  $34,756.4  $37,934.4  9.1% 
Internet $4,164.9 $4,737.9 13.8%
Outdoor $1,849.0 $1,931.4 4.5%
Grand total  $83,789.2  $89,647.4  7.0% 
Source: TNS Media Intelligence/CMR, December 2003 

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