
UK National Newspaper Ad Volumes Slowly Recovering

UK National Newspaper Ad Volumes Slowly Recovering

Advertising in Britain’s national newspapers proved it has at last started to make a slow turnaround when an increase of 113,818 ad pages was recorded for the past year, according to Mediaedge:CIA’s latest Adstats report.

This represents a tiny rise of just 0.3% in total advertising pages for the twelve months to February 2004 for both daily and Sunday newspapers, with the real pick-up beginning in August 2003.

While the number of display ad pages remained flat, the number of classified pages rose by 1.1% year-on-year. Daily newspapers enjoyed a rise of 0.7% in total ad pages, while the Sunday newspapers fell by 0.8%; the distribution of ads across the dailys and Sundays remained at 76% and 24% respectively.

Sunday newspapers recorded a fall of nearly 6% in classified pages and display ads rose by just over 0.5%, leaving total page volumes down 1% when compared to the previous year. In contrast, daily newspapers recorded a 2.7% rise in classified ads and display ads slipped by 0.2%.

Daily newspapers The Sun, which has the largest daily circulation, reported the best year-on-year figures with total ad pages rising by 7.2%; display ads were up by 5.8% and classifieds by 10.7%.

Due to the uncertain economic conditions, there was a downturn in corporate and financial advertising which affected the Financial Times. It suffered the greatest decrease in ad pages with a fall of 4.6%; display ads also fell by 11.6% in the past 12 months to February.

The Guardian, which carries more ads than any other paper, also saw total pages slipping down by 2.5%, with display down 3.3% and classifieds 1.5%.

Adstats has an optimistic outlook for 2004. The year has started with the number of ad pages rising by 4.7% in January and the momentum looks set to continue.

National Daily Newspaper Ads 
  National Dailies Display  National Dailies Classified 
  Feb 02 – Jan 03  Feb 03 – Jan 04  Change (%)  Feb 02 – Jan 03  Feb 03 – Jan 04  Change (%) 
Daily Express 6911 6734 -2.6 1808 1852 2.4
Daily Mail 7308 6927 -5.2 2278 2394 5.1
Daily Mirror 5738 5977 4.2 2178 2218 1.8
Daily Record 4056 4415 8.8 4069 4111 1.0
Daily Star 4926 5150 4.6 1568 1646 5.0
Daily Telegraph 4376 4295 -1.8 2482 252 1.7
Financial Times 3554 3143 -11.6 834 582 2.2
Guardian 7125 6887 -3.3 5831 5740 -1.5
Independent 4918 4965 1.0 650 607 -6.6
Sun 5461 5779 5.8 2143 2372 10.7
Times 6465 6457 -0.1 1369 1563 14.2
TOTAL OF ABOVE  60838  60729  -0.2  25210  25881  2.7 
Source: Nielsen Media Research, April 2004 
National Sunday Newspaper Ads 
   National Sundays Display  National Sundays Classified 
  Feb 02 – Jan 03  Feb 03 – Jan 04  Change (%)  Feb 02 – Jan 03  Feb 03 – Jan 04  Change (%) 
Independent on Sunday 2097 2197 4.8 242 276 14.2
Mail on Sunday 3862 3424 -11.3 913 945 3.6
News of the World 1135 1204 6.1 432 467 8.0
Observer 3427 3393 -1.0 496 486 -2.1
People 574 653 13.8 294 274 -6.7
Sunday Express 3025 3064 1.3 572 518 -9.4
Sunday Mirror 1776 1967 10.8 504 383 -24.1
Sunday Telegraph 3541 3359 -5.1 890 850 4.4
Sunday Times 2451 2727 11.3 1203 1020 -15.2
TOTAL OF ABOVE  21888  21989  0.5  5544  5219  -5.9 
Source: Nielsen Media Research, April 2004 

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