
Three Out Of Four American’s Have Home Web Access

Three Out Of Four American’s Have Home Web Access

Nearly 75% of people in the US now have internet access at home, up from 66% last year says a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings.

The report Global Standard For Internet Audience Measurement And Analysis shows that three out of four (204.3 million) people, aged two and over in the US have home web access.

Kenneth Cassar, director of strategic analysis, Nielsen//NetRatings said: “In just a handful of years, online access has managed to gain the type of traction that took other media decades to achieve.”

82% of women aged 35-54 surf the web, this is more than any other group, followed by 80% of men of the same age. Cassar added: “Women make the majority of purchases and household decisions, so it’s no surprise that they are utilising the internet as a tool for daily living.”

Internet Access Penetration (US, Home) 
Gender  Age Group  Persons with web access  Total persons in US  Internet penetration % 
Male & Female 55+ 40,077 63,260 63.4
Female 35-54 34,614 42,350 81.7
Male 35-54 32,388 40,370 80.2
Female 25-34 14,114 18,340 77.0
Male 25-34 13,859 18,320 75.6
Male & Female 18-24 20,177 26,900 75.0
Male & Female 2-17 49,078 63,270 77.6
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, April 2004 

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