
Half Of US Advertisers Set To Increase Ad Budgets

Half Of US Advertisers Set To Increase Ad Budgets

Nearly half of US advertisers expect their budgets to increase in the next year, according to a survey carried out by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

As reported by Merrill Lynch, the latest ANA survey reveals that 49% of US advertisers expect to increase their advertising budgets this year, while 44% remain the same and 7% expect to see a decline.

Of all media categories, US magazines look set to benefit the most from the budget hike, as 44% of advertisers surveyed said they would be increasing magazine spend in the next year, with 18% saying they would be moving money from other media to magazines, however, a further 21% said they would reallocating previous magazine money to other media.

Newspapers are also set to see revenues increase over the coming year as 25% of advertisers said that they would be investing more money to this medium, while 60% said there newspaper budget would not change for the coming year and 16% expect it to drop.

The Merrill Lynch report points out that the survey was carried out amongst national advertisers who are not traditionally heavy newspaper advertisers, which might explain why only 9% said they would be moving money towards newspapers from other medium but 18% said they would be moving their existing newspaper budgets to another medium.

Merrill Lynch says it continues to believe that national advertising will be a good source of growth for US newspapers in the next few years.

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