
Digital Pushes Cinema Screen Ad Marketing

Digital Pushes Cinema Screen Ad Marketing

Western Europe digital screen advertisers claim the greatest revenue share of the screen advertising market, although US screen advertising companies account for 87.9% of digital advertisement screens worldwide, reports Screen Digest and the Screen Advertising World Association (SAWA).

The Reviewing Digital Screen Advertising In The Realm Of Digital Cinema report says, Europe’s share of global screen advertising revenues accounted for 60% worldwide. However, Europe’s share of the screen advertising market declined in 2003 from 68% in 2002 and last year the US replaced the UK to become the biggest screen advertising territory in the world.

Screen Digest and the SAWA estimate the worldwide screen advertising market totaled $1.3 billion in 2003, rising by 7% over 2002, with Norway, Austria, the UK and Brazil also having noteable shares of the worldwide digital advertising screens.

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