
Hotel Broadband Market Begins To Heat Up Again

Hotel Broadband Market Begins To Heat Up Again

Hotel guests are now embracing broadband, says new a new study from a high-technology market research firm and it has forecast that the number of properties in the United States offering the high-speed internet connection is set to rise to 26,828 by 2008.

According to In-Stat/MDR, the hotel broadband market has come along way since its concept five years ago, especially throughout 2004 when the market seriously began to heat up as deployment of the technology grew to reach over 5,000 hotels, coupled with a marked improvement in revenue generated from the in-room gadgets.

Hotel broadband suffered a collapse in 2001 but it is now seen as a ‘must have’ item in hotels across the board from the small no-frills properties to the large luxury resorts.

The report Service Plus: Broadband In The Hospitality Industry says, the key driver is guest demand for a broadband service. Hotel owners are also now seeing this as an essential item in the guest-room, along with a bed, telephone and television.

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