
Instant Messaging Now Used By 42% Of US Adults

Instant Messaging Now Used By 42% Of US Adults

The popularity of instant messaging in the United States has continued to grow over the past year, with 42% of adults saying they use this on a typical day.

According to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 24% of the 53 million adults who use instant messaging, admitted to using this more frequently than email.

The most popular reason for using a messenger service was to communicate with co-workers, with 40% of respondents giving this reason, followed by 33% using it to keep in touch with friend and family, with the remaining 21% contacting both groups equally.

Those aged 18-27 use instant messaging more than any group, with 62% using it on a daily basis and 42% saying they use it more frequently than email.

Amanda Lenhart, report co-author said: “There is no doubt that IM [instant messaging] use will intensify. Younger Americans, in particular, have incorporated IM into their lives in multiple ways, using it to keep track of their friends, coordinate work meetings and share files. IM use at home and in the workplace will grow as these creative and time-saving uses of the technology percolate through the generations.”

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