
Digital Mail Rivals Electronic Mail

Digital Mail Rivals Electronic Mail

Dmail, the digital equivalent to email, has just been unveiled with promises of eradicating the problems which email has inherited.

The creation of dmail, which has been developed by a Dorest inventor, originates from the oil and gas industry and hopes to be able to put to bed problems such as; spam, virus, security, privacy and speed issues, as well as providing a solution to storage problems.

Those who choose to subscribe to dmail, can access messages on any web-enabled PC or mobile device, in the same way as email can. The difference between digital mail and its electronic counterpart is that dmail operates in a completely closed, safe and secure platform which can not be penetrated by unwanted visitors or observers.

Inventor, Peter Jackson, was asked by his industry to create a secure network that was capable of transmitting instantaneous messages and transfer large files rapidly. Jackson said: “I developed what is now called dmail to satisfy those requirements.”

He added: “Email has now reached a turning point in its shorty history. People both at work and at home are sick and tired of spam and viruses and are seriously concerned about security and the increasing prevalence of criminal activity on the internet, especially targeting children. The emergency of digital mail is in effect a response to all those concerns.”

At present very few service providers are entering the dmail market but are already viewing this as a challenge to current business. Speaking of this, Jackson said: “MSN and Yahoo are viewing digital mail as a significant threat and have already reacted by increasing the storage size available on their email accounts but this only addresses one benefit of digital mail – the real battle is yet to come.”

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