
Dismal Summer Sends Sun-Seekers Online

Dismal Summer Sends Sun-Seekers Online

The turbulent summer weather has led to European consumers choosing the internet over their traditional outdoor summer activities, according to online marketing group, TradeDoubler.

The latest TradeDoubler Tracker report said, sales volumes grew month on month, with four-of-the-five leading sectors having increased volume in what is traditionally a quieter month for online transactions.

The figures released by TradeDoubler show that sales volumes in August grew 170% higher than the same period last year, with unpredictable summer weather acting as a driver.

The entertainment sector, which suffered a drop in sales last August, has increased significantly month-on-month this year, again probably spurred on by the poor summer.

TradeDoubler said: “The bad weather this summer is thought to have played a part in the continued increase in online shopping in August as people spend more time inside avoiding the rain and subsequently more time shopping online.”

The Olympics did not have the noticeable impact on transactions that was predicted last month by TradeDoubler, with consumers still finding the time to shop online in between catching up with various events.

The only sector to suffer a drop during August was financial services, however, TradeDoubler said that this is typical for this sector at this time of year, as consumers arrange credit cards and loans before heading off on holiday in August.

Recent figures from Nielsen//NetRatings, which show overall at-home internet users across 12 countries worldwide have increased by more than 2.8 million from June to July 2004, support TradeDoubler’s findings.

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