
Online Research Spurs Offline Spending

Online Research Spurs Offline Spending

Internet product research is responsible for driving $180.7 billion of consumer spending offline, compared to $106.5 billion in direct online shopping, says a new report from Dieringer Research Group.

The survey, which was conducted among 3000 US consumers, revealed that not only did web-based research spur online purchases, it actually fuels offline shopping more, with non-web sales growing by 31% from 2003 to 2004, compared to online which grew by 14% during the same period.

Dieringer said for every $1.00 consumers spent online, $1.70 was spent offline after conducting online research.

Senior consultant, Thomas Miller said: “The new annual spending data indicates that at least $1.70 is spent offline after doing online research for every consumer dollar spent directly online. In reality, the offline spending impact is far greater because many consumers also go online to research financial and insurance products that are not reflected in the retail spending total.”

Last month, research from Dieringer revealed that three out of five US adults regularly go online to research products, shop and manage finances (see US Buys Into Online Shopping).

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