New research conducted by GfK NOP for the BBC has found an overwhelming majority of viewers expecting high definition content from the broadcaster on all platforms, and free of charge in the near future.
The figure was much higher for men, with 83% being aware of HD, while 62% of women knew of the new broadcast standard. Those in digital homes were also shown to have ahead start on the technology, with 77% knowing about HD compared with 62% in analogue homes.
Of those that were aware of the new technology, a staggering 93% expected broadcasts using the high definition to be free to air, while 95% expected high definition on all platforms – satellite, cable and Freeview.
87% expected the BBC to broadcast in high definition in the future, but 88% disagreed with a question asking if HD viewers should pay a higher licence fee than those not receiving the broadcasts.
Around 2 million households are expected to adopt HD technology this year, according to forecasts by Ofcom, building on the 700,000 already believed to have HD-ready TV set. Elsewhere, the BBC aims to be broadcasting fully in HD by 2010, subject to the terms of its new charter.