The number of global IPTV subscribers will grow from 4.3 million in 2005 to 36.8 million in 2009, according to the latest forecasts from Research and Markets Ltd.
The report predicts that the number of DSL subscribers will grow from 97 million in 2004 to 256 million in 2009, a compounded annual growth rate of 21%. These DSL subscribers are the base for the IPTV subscribers. This growth in undoubtedly linked to the Europe-wide residential broadband boom, as evidenced by recent research (see Residential Broadband Booms Across Europe).
Both Asia and North America have declined a bit. Some service providers in Asia are having difficulty with marketing the service and enthusiasm for China has calmed a little. The forecast for North America decreased due to a slower than expected rate of fibre deployment, especially with AT&T.