
US Radio Sales Down For April

US Radio Sales Down For April

In the US, local ad dollars for April fell 4% from the same period last year, according to the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) current revenue report.

In addition, the grand total spot and non-spot dollars dropped 4% when compared to April 2005. National ad sales figures fell the most, by 7% from April 2005.

Year-on-year radio revenue was boosted by minor growth spurts from the early part of 2006. Non-spot revenue for January through April 2006 did well, with a 9% increase over the same months of 2005.

  APR 05-APR 06    JAN-APR 06 v JAN-APR 05 
Local Revenue    Local Revenue   
All Markets -4% All Markets -2%
Local Ad Sales Index 134.4 Local Ad Sales Index 138.8
National Revenue    National Revenue   
All Markets -7% All Markets 0%
National Ad Sales Index 122.1 National Ad Sales Index 145.1
Local & Nat’l Revenue    Local & Nat’l Revenue   
All Markets -5% All Markets -2%
Combined Ad Sales Index 131.6 Combined Ad Sales Index 140.2
Non-Spot Revenue    Non-Spot Revenue   
All Markets 8% All Markets 9%
Grand Total Revenue    Grand Total Revenue   
All Markets -4% All Markets -1%
Source: Radio Advertising Bureau, June 2006 

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