
Over 50 Million IPTV Subscribers By 2010

Over 50 Million IPTV Subscribers By 2010

IPTV is showing strong potential for further growth in Europe and Asia, with some exceptions in North America, according to a new report from MRG.

The forecast projects that there will be 50.5 million IPTV subscribers by the end of 2010, with global IPTV revenue of $16.7 billion in 2010, $12.8 billion in service revenue and $3.9 billion in system and software revenue.

Recent research from Gartner said that the number of households subscribing to IPTV services offered by telecom carriers will reach 48.8 million in 2010 (see Worldwide IPTV Subscribers To Reach 48.8 Million by 2010).

MRG says that in Europe and Asia the majority of current growth is driven by large incumbent telcos, whereas in North America it is small independent IPTV providers driving much of the growth.

Bob Larribeau, IPTV director for MRG, said: “The one group of IPTV providers not sharing in the current success of IPTV is comprised of those that have selected Microsoft’s software.”

“Deployments at AT&T, Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom, and Swisscom are on hold waiting for Microsoft’s software.”

MRG says that Microsoft’s slowness to market has had a strong negative effect on the forecast for North America particularly, which has not been offset by the stronger growth of small independent operators and of Verizon’s (IPTV-based) VOD services.

Meanwhile, a report from Pyramid Research says that the number of IPTV subscribers in China will rise above 10 million by 2011.

Pyramid says that there will be modwest growth for IPTV services in China until 2008 because of a clash between marketisation and planning, however it expects the number of IPTV enabled DSL lines to have increased forty-fold by 2011, by which time around 50% of broadband subscribers should be able to receive ITPV services.

In September, Research and Markets released a forecast which said that it expects global IPTV subscriptions to jump from two million to 34 million between 2005 and 2010 (see US IPTV Subscriptions To Increase By 78% By 2010).

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