
US Online Ad Revenues Reach Estimated $4.2 Billion

US Online Ad Revenues Reach Estimated $4.2 Billion

Internet advertising revenues reached an estimated new record of $4.2 billion for the third quarter of 2006 in the US, according to a new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

The 2006 third quarter revenues represent a 33% increase over $3.1 billion in Q3 2005 and a 2% increase over the Q2 2006 total of nearly $4.1 billion, although this marked a slowdown in sequential growth.

Sheryl Draizen, SVP, General Manager, IAB, said: “The consistent growth of online advertising is a clear indication that marketers continue to embrace the true power of interactive advertising.

“Marketers are experiencing how this medium enhances their ability to target and engage the audience that matters to their brand and then measure its effectiveness in ways no other medium provides.”

David Silverman, partner, assurance, PwC, said: “Interactive advertising, with its eighth consecutive quarter of growth and the largest single quarter ever, is on pace for its biggest year.

“This growth follows the trend of where consumers are spending their media time and the unique ability of Interactive advertising to effectively target and monitor ad campaigns.”

Recent research from the European Interactive Advertising Association said that online advertising is increasingly attracting big spenders, with advertisers forecasting that online will represent a growing share of their overall media budgets over the next two years, especially within the FMCG and Entertainment sectors (see Online Becoming Increasingly Important To Advertisers).

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