
GroupM Forecasts Steady Global Ad Growth

GroupM Forecasts Steady Global Ad Growth

Global advertising growth is steady and in line with the global economy at 5.3% for 2006, and set to be 5% for 2007, according to GroupM’s latest media and marketing forecast report.

Television has taken half of all global media investment growth, whilst the contribution of the Internet to global media growth will rise to 28% in 2007 from 27% in 2006.

In Latin America, Eastern Europe and emerging Asia, Television accounts for between 60%-75% of all new media dollars, whilst in the west, audience fragmentation is giving advertisers tighter targeting at stable or falling prices.

The Internet currently accounts for 6% of global advertising, and including search in all major markets, this increases to at least 8% and is adding a point each year. On this basis, GroupM conservatively predicts that the medium’s share is 14% in the UK and 12% in the US.

The report suggests that globally Radio is set to drop from 6% to 4% of all advertising expenditure next year, whilst Newspapers will rise 1% to 6% in 2007, Cinema and Outdoor will remain static at 1% and 7% for 2007 respectively.

Advertising Revenue (US $million) 
  2005 2006 2007
North America 156,960 161,464 165,404
Latin America 16,209 19,271 21,259
Western Europe 97,221 99,720 103,551
Emerging Europe 12,008 14,240 16,383
Asia-Pacific 85,155 92,093 99,145
Middle East & Africa 7,300 7,753 8,344
World  374,853  394,542  414,086 
Source: GroupM, December 2006       
Year-On-Year Percentage Change 
  2005 2006 2007
North America 3 3 2
Latin America 20 19 10
Western Europe 4 3 4
Emerging Europe 20 19 15
Asia-Pacific 7 8 8
Middle East & Africa 11 6 8
World  5  5.3  5 
Source: GroupM, December 2006       

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