
Global Home Internet User Numbers

Global Home Internet User Numbers

The UK (-1.88%); Germany (-1.03%); and Japan (-0.69%) each experienced a drop in the number of active home internet users in November over the previous month, according to data from Nielsen//NetRatings.

Gains in the 10 countries tracked come to 6.1 million active home users, a 1.88 percent increase from October. The largest increases occurred in Brazil (8.53%); France (7.37%); and Spain (4.04%).

The Nielsen//NetRatings data shows that Brazil experienced an increase of over one million active home internet users in November.

Worldwide Active Home Internet Universe, November 2006 
Country  Oct-06  Nov-06  Growth (%) Difference
Australia 10,438,386 10,648,118 2.01 209,732
Brazil 13,312,588 14,448,077 8.53 1,135,489
Switzerland 3,783,945 3,796,392 0.33 12,447
Germany 33,627,808 33,282,100 -1.03 -345,707
Spain 12,714,303 13,227,952 4.04 513,649
France 19,443,777 20,876,899 7.37 1,433,122
Italy 16,959,123 17,242,991 1.67 283,868
Japan 44,182,811 43,879,983 -0.69 -302,828
UK 24,476,339 24,015,923 -1.88 -460,417
US 146,544,990 150,190,256 2.49 3,645,266
Total  325,484,069  331,608,691  1.88  6,124,621 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 2007

Nielsen//NetRatings uses a sampling methodology applied worldwide, which allows for data aggregation on a regional and global basis.

Recent research from Point Topic revealed that the number of broadband lines in the UK reached 13.1 million by the end of 2006 by adding more than 3.1 million new lines in the year (see UK Broadband Lines Reach 13.1 Million).

Meanwhile, in December Point Topic revealed that the global number of broadband subscribers reached 263.8 million in the third quarter of 2006 (see Global Broadband Growth Rate Drops).

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