
Home Internet Usage Increases

Home Internet Usage Increases

Active home internet usage experienced its largest growth in Spain as the year closed out, according to new research from Nielsen//NetRatings.

Active Internet Universe, December 2006 
Country  November 2006  December 2006  Growth (%)  Diff. 
Australia 10,648,118 10,698,764 0.48 50,647
Brazil 14,448,077 14,419,335 -0.2 -28,741
France 20,876,899 21,183,022 1.47 306,123
Germany 33,282,100 33,396,576 0.34 114,476
Italy 17,242,991 17,560,383 1.84 317,392
Japan 43,879,983 44,627,021 1.7 747,038
Switzerland 3,796,392 3,753,112 -1.14 -43,281
Spain 13,227,952 13,625,800 3.01 397,848
UK 24,015,923 24,369,320 1.47 353,397
U.S. 150,190,256 150,419,613 0.15 229,358
Total  331,608,691  334,052,947  0.74  2,444,256 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 2007
Spain saw the largest percentage of growth in December (3.0%), with 397,848 new users. In Japan, there were 747,038 new users, accounting for a 1.7% increase. Increases were also seen in Italy (1.8%); the UK (1.4%); and France (1.4%).

A drop in active Internet users was visible in Switzerland (-1.1%) and Brazil (-0.2%), despite Brazil’s lead in November.

Nielsen//NetRatings uses a sampling methodology applied worldwide, which allows for data aggregation on regional and global bases.

A recent report from eMarketer showed that internet use is growing strongly, with 45% of internet users in Europe going online every day and spending 11 hours and 20 minutes a week online, compared to 10 hours and 15 minutes per week in 2005 (see Western European Online Advertising To Reach $7.5 Billion).

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