
53% Of US Teens Watch Online Video

53% Of US Teens Watch Online Video

A new report from JupiterResearch has found that 53% of online US teens watch video on the internet occasionally and 22% of them view video weekly or more frequently.

Joe Laszlo, senior analyst and research director with JupiterResearch, said: “”Younger consumers tend to be extremely savvy about online media so it’s not surprising that teens are making significant use of Internet video.

“Moreover, teen frequent video viewers tend to be both active online and socially influential. For example, 47% of them buy products and services online, compared with the 33% of online teens overall who make such purchases.”

JupiterResearch says that, like their adult counterparts in the online video audience, teens rely on the recommendations of friends to help them find video on the internet.

44% of teen online video viewers usually find the programs they watch based on friends’ recommendations via online or off-line channels.

Other popular means of discovering online video include personal blogs and social networking sites like MySpace, as well as search engines.

David Schatsky, president of JupiterKagan, said: “Teen-oriented online video services will prove lucrative, but firms offering them must proactively address parental and privacy concerns to be successful.

“Marketers need to balance teens’ propensity to share with the imperative to protect privacy, while offering content of interest to this young audience.”

A recent report from Nielsen Analytics revealed that advertisers and television programmers are finding new and more lucrative advertising opportunities with broadband video (see Ad Opportunities To Grow With Broadband Video).

In other research, JupiterResearch found that 37% of broadband consumers are interested in having TV programming delivered to their PC (see 37% Of Broadband Consumers Interested In PC TV Programming).

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