
Worldwide Internet Usage Increases

Worldwide Internet Usage Increases

ComScore Networks has announced that 747 million people, age 15+, used the internet worldwide in January 2007, a 10% increase versus January 2006.

Among the top 15 countries (ranked by penetration), internet audiences in India, the Russian Federation and China increased the most in 2006, growing 33%, 21% and 20% respectively.

China now represents the second-largest internet population in the world, says comScore, with 86.8 million users, after the US, which rose 2% year-over-year to 153.4 million users age 15 or older in January 2007.

Bob Ivins, managing director for comScore Europe, said: “The importance of the worldwide internet population continues to grow.

“Internet users outside the US now account for 80% of the world’s online population, with rapidly developing countries experiencing double-digit growth rates year-over-year.”

ComScore also analysed the top 10 countries ranked by average hours online per visitor for January 2007. Canada led the list, with the average user spending 39.6 hours (and 41.3 hours per month among broadband users) online during the month.

Rounding out the top 5 were Israel, South Korea, the U.S. and the UK – all countries with high broadband penetration. In fact, in each of the top 10 countries, the time spent online by users with a broadband connection was substantially greater than the time spent by users with a narrowband connection.

Ivins added: “We have all believed that ‘always-on’ broadband connections stimulate usage – this study empirically confirms that conclusion.”

Top 15 Countries by Internet Penetration, Unique Visitors Age 15+*, January 2007 v January 2006, Total Worldwide – All Locations, Source: comScore World Metrix 
   Jan-06 (000)  Jan-07 (000)  Percentage Change 
Worldwide  676,878  746,934  10% 
United States 150,897 153,447 2%
China 72,408 86,757 20%
Japan 51,450 53,670 4%
Germany 31,209 32,192 3%
United Kingdom 29,773 30,072 1%
South Korea 24,297 26,350 8%
France 23,712 24,560 4%
India 15,867 21,107 33%
Canada 18,332 20,392 11%
Italy 15,987 18,106 13%
Brazil 12,845 14,964 16%
Spain 12,206 12,710 4%
Russian Federation 10,471 12,707 21%
Netherlands 10,772 11,077 3%
Mexico 8,624 10,149 18%
* Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. 
Top 10 Countries by Average Monthly Hours Online per Unique Visitor, Broadband v Narrowband, Among Visitors Age 15+*, January 2007, Total Worldwide-All Locations, Source: comScore World Metrix 
  Average Monthly Hours Online 
  Unique Visitors Rank  Among All Users  Among Broadband Users  Among Narrowband Users 
Canada 9 39.6 41.3 14.2
Israel 28 37.4 38.8 10.9
South Korea 6 34 36.1 N/A**
United States 1 31.6 37.2 13.5
United Kingdom 5 31.2 35.6 7.5
Chile 20 30.9 38.6 12.6
Brazil 11 30.2 38.5 17
Finland 30 28.7 34.2 N/A**
Spain 12 27.9 33.4 9.1
Sweden 21 27.5 31.4 9.7
* Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. 
** Level of narrowband penetration extremely low, therefore an accurate reportable estimate is not available. 

A recent report from the Office Of National Statistics said that eight out of ten internet connections are now via broadband (see UK Broadband Connections Increase).

Meanwhile, ABI Research forecast that broadband will reach almost half a billion subscribers by 2011 (see Global Broadband Subscribers To Increase).

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