
Habits Of Wireless Internet Users Revealed

Habits Of Wireless Internet Users Revealed

The European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) has published new research showing that 37% of European wireless users regularly visit social networking sites, a third create and share their own content and 33% of wireless users contribute reviews and ratings to websites.

The EIAA Mediascope Europe Study, conducted by Synovate, explores the trends and usage patterns of Europe’s wireless users.

The research highlights that their total weekly internet use reaches 17 hours or 10% of their week, compared to the average European internet user who spends 11 hours and 20 minutes online each week.

The 25-44 year old age group are particularly heavy and engaged users of the internet, spending 5 hours or more each week online (17.8 hours) than watching TV (12.9 hours), their next most popular media pastime.

The EIAA says that the study gives a clear picture of a new ‘wireless workstyle’: 83% of this user group regularly use news websites (compared to 66% of average European internet users of the same age), 79% use banking and finance sites (compared to 55%) and 70% use technology sites (compared to 43%).

According to the study, 94% of all wireless users who access the internet on the move via a PDA or laptop in a wi-fi location also use broadband at their main point of internet connection – a 9% growth since 2005.

81% have a home PC (compared to 61% of all Europeans) 68% have an MP3 player or iPod and 61% have wi-fi access in their home. This group also uses the internet much more at the weekend, with 91% of on the move PDA/laptop users using the internet on a Saturday or Sunday compared to 79% of all internet users.

Additionally, internet users who own a mobile phone and access the internet on the move using their phone are also heavy users of the internet. On average this group spends over 15 hours a week online and 79% of this user group are aged under 45 years old (compared with 64 % of all internet users).

Michael Kleindl, chairman of the EIAA, said: “Increasing wireless working and the evolution of a Web 2.0 generation has meant that today’s workers are becoming super internet users with their levels of engagement far exceeding the average European consumer. Our research highlights the extent of their online activity, the spectrum of sites visited as well as the sophisticated nature of their user behaviour.

“Recent industry announcements, including the unveiling of the iPhone and Vodafone’s deals with YouTube, eBay and mySpace, further highlight the future for wireless technologies and their continued integration into our evolving digital lifestyles.”

The recently published Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that one-fifth (20%) of US internet users have gone online via wireless networks at home (see US Wireless Internet Users Show Deep Engagement With Cyberspace).

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