
Search Motivations Of US Consumers

Search Motivations Of US Consumers

The recent Simultaneous Media Survey, conducted for the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association by BIGresearch, showed that consumers in the US were most motivated to begin an online search after viewing ads in magazines (47%), with ads on TV (42.8%) and reading articles (43.7%), also scoring highly.

The survey also showed that women were more likely than med to be motivated (to begin an online search) by coupons (41.8% v 29%), and in-store promotions (29% v 24.5%).

According to the research, online consumers are most likely to communicate with others about their search through face-to-face discussion (68.9%), with email (53.1%) and telephone (50.9%) close behind.

It also reveals that 92.5% of adults said that they regularly or occasionally research products online before buying them in a store. Products that are most often researched online before being purchased in a store include electronics (50.8%) and clothing (31.9%).

Young adults 18-24 are also taking advantage of an influx of new media by communicating about service, products and brands through instant messaging (37.5%), text messaging (23.7%) and online communities (20.6%).

A recent survey conducted by the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization said that North American advertisers spent $9.4 billion on search engine marketing (SEM) in 2006, a 62% increase over 2005 spending (see US Advertisers Increase Spending On Search Engine Marketing).

Outsell, also released research which said that advertisers also plan to raise their spending for advertising on search engines by 39%, the fastest of any online media method.

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