
Over Half Of US Households Subscribe To Broadband

Over Half Of US Households Subscribe To Broadband

New research from Leichtman Research Group (LRG) has revealed that 53% of all US households now subscribe to a broadband high-speed internet service at home.

LRG says that broadband services now account for about 72% of all home internet subscriptions – compared to 60% last year.

The research group adds that 68% of all households with annual incomes over $50,000 now get broadband – compared to 59% last year, whilst 39% of all households with annual incomes under $50,000 get broadband – compared to 27% last year.

These findings are based on a telephone survey of 1,600 randomly selected households from throughout the United States and are part of a new LRG study, Broadband Access and Service in the Home 2007. This is LRG’s fifth annual study of this topic.

LRG also found that while 81% of all US households have at least one computer, only 56% of those with annual household incomes under $30,000 have a computer at home

Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, said: “Nearly three-quarters of households in the US now subscribe to an Internet service, and broadband has grown to account for over 70% of all online subscribers at home.

“LRG forecasts the total number of broadband subscribers will increase by over 40 million over the next five years.”

A recent report from JupiterResearch said that 70% of US homes – around 86 million households – will have broadband internet access by 2012 (see 70% Of US Homes To Have Broadband By 2012).

Meanwhile, research from Media-Screen said that US broadband users spend 48% (approximately one hour and 40 minutes) of their spare time online in a typical weekday (see US Broadband Users Spend Almost 50% Of Spare Time Online).

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