
Mobile Adspend To Increase

Mobile Adspend To Increase

A new forecast from eMarketer predicts that the general mobile ad spending market – along with ad spending that supports mobile multimedia – should reach over $13.8 billion worldwide by 2011.

Of that total, mobile search is expected to account for 17%. Altogether, eMarketer projects that the global market for mobile search will approach $2.4 billion by 2011.
Mobile Advertising Spending Worldwide, 2006-2011 (Millions) 
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
General Mobile Ad Spending* $1,432 $2,496 $4,316 $6,141 $9,006 $11,746
Mobile Multimedia Ad Spending** $109 $215 $421 $749 $1,295 $2,116
Total $1,541 $2,710 $4,736 $6,890 $10,300 $13,862
Note: Numbers may not add up to total due to rounding, *includes spending on text message promotions and ad-supported voice minutes; **includes spending on ad placements around mobile video content, mobile music, mobile TV and mobile social networks
Source: eMarketer

“Mobile search is a battle to define perhaps the most important new interface with the consumer,” says John du Pre Gauntt, eMarketer Senior Analyst and the author of the new report, Mobile Search: Clash of the Titans. “Whoever cracks the consumer and commercial code for delivering and monetizing relevant answers for people on the go will secure a license to print money, at least for a time.”

“While in absolute terms that figure is not earth-shattering, compared with the online search market, let alone mobile content categories such as messaging, the fact is that mobile search carries with it the promise of radically changing how users access other, far larger content and commerce categories,” says Gauntt. “In that sense, the impact of mobile search goes far beyond its specific industry opportunity.”

Regardless of its relatively small size, mobile will continue to attract investment and talent because it is one the best platforms for connecting marketers to consumers with short-term or immediate purchase intent, says eMarketer.

“The days when mobile search need only organize a mobile carrier’s content retail store are rapidly drawing to a close,” said Gauntt. “Too much money, talent and technology are moving into the mobile marketing space to expect that users, let alone advertisers, will stay content to search within the walled gardens that predominate today.”

A report published by Strategy Analytics in June forecast that advertisers will spend $1.4 billion worldwide on mobile media this year, rising to $14.4 billion by 2011 (see Mobile Media Adspend To Increase).

However, a survey from Q Research showed that only 32% of the British 11-20 year olds surveyed would be happy to receive advertising messages to their mobile phones (see Some British Teens Happy To Receive Mobile Ads).

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