
US Adspend To Grow

US Adspend To Grow

US spending on cinema, mobile, videogame, branded entertainment, satellite radio and custom publishing advertising will grow a projected 20.3% in 2007 and an additional 18.4% in 2008 and 18.5% in 2009, according to Jack Myers Media Business Report.

These non-traditional media grew nearly 23% in 2006, delivering $25.2 billion to media company coffers, or 11.3% of total 2006 ad expenditures of almost $223.8 billion, according to the report.

Conversely, 12 traditional media including yellow pages and online will increase less than 1% in 2007 but will rebound in 2008 with 5.2% growth (driven heavily by political advertising) before softening again in 2009 with only 0.4% growth.

Excluding online advertising results in a revenue loss of 0.6% in 2007 for traditional media and a loss of 2.6% in 2009. Further eliminating out-of-home and place-based media, which are experiencing solid annual growth, translates into spending declines for 10 traditional media of 0.9% in 2007 and 3% in 2009. 2008 spending increases 3.3%.

Combined, the 18 media categories are projected to increase 3.1% in 2007, down from Myers’ original forecast, issued last December, of 3.7%. Myers forecasts that overall media advertising will increase 6.9% in 2008 and 3.1% in 2009.

Jack Myers , president of Myers Publishing, said: “Reports from other forecasters suggesting the US ad industry may be entering a recessionary period are grossly misleading because they focus exclusively on traditional media such as television, newspapers and radio and fail to pick up on the shift of marketers’ budgets to untracked categories.”

Total direct marketing, promotion and advertising budgets will grow an estimated 3.6 percent in 2007. Total marketing communications investment growth will slump in 2009, however, to only 0.3%, with media advertising gaining 3.1%. The greatest year-to-year marketing decreases are in the nebulous “other” category, which includes local sponsorships, charitable contributions, and executives’ discretionary budgets.

Internet advertising, including search and video, is projected to increase 20% to $16.7 billion this year, with 24% gains in 2008 and 28.5% growth in 2009, Myers forecasts. The increased growth will result from a shift of advertisers’ budgets from television to online video, although networks will be a primary beneficiary of these dollars.

Jack Myers Media BusinessReport 
Advertising and Marketing Communications Forecast 
UPDATED 10/09/07
  % Growth $ % Share % Growth $ % Share
Newspapers 0.20% $47,970 21.4 -4.60% $45,763 19.8
Broadcast Network Television 4.00% $18,565 8.3 2.00% $18,936 8.2
Cable Network Television 6.00% $16,859 7.5 5.00% $17,702 7.7
Broadcast Syndication 2.00% $3,040 1.4 1.00% $3,070 1.3
Local & National Spot TV 9.00% $27,741 12.4 -6.00% $26,077 11.3
Local/Regional Cable TV 9.00% $5,822 2.6 9.00% $6,346 2.8
Branded Entertainment/Product Placement 28.00% $5,433 2.4 35.00% $7,335 3.2
Videogame Advertising 50.00% $301 0.1 90.00% $571 0.2
Cinema Advertising 21.00% $636 0.3 15.00% $731 0.3
Terrestial Radio 2.00% $21,099 9.4 -2.00% $20,677 9
Satellite Radio 160.00% $117 0.1 120.00% $257 0.1
Consumer Magazines 4.50% $13,820 6.2 4.20% $14,401 6.2
Business-to-Business Magazines 3.50% $8,998 4 3.00% $9,268 4
Custom Publishing 20.00% $18,312 8.2 14.00% $20,876 9.1
Online / Internet 26.00% $13,923 6.2 20.00% $16,708 7.2
Out-of-Home/Place-Based (excl. Cinema) 8.20% $6,422 2.9 8.60% $6,974 3
Mobile Advertising 80.00% $360 0.2 40.00% $504 0.2
Yellow Pages-Print 1.80% $14,349 6.4 0.50% $14,421 6.3
Total Advertising 7.40% $223,767 30.8 3.10% $230,617 30.7
Direct Mail / Marketing 6.60% $158,941 21.9 6.00% $168,477 22.4
Trade Promotion/Slotting Allowances 3.70% $167,741 23.1 2.80% $172,438 22.9
Consumer Sales Promotion/Incentives 4.00% $132,201 18.2 3.50% $136,828 18.2
Event Marketing 12.00% $14,784 2 15.00% $17,002 2.3
Public Relations 3.50% $3,985 0.5 7.50% $4,284 0.6
Other -5.00% $24,613 3.4 -7.50% $22,767 3
Total Advertising & Marketing 5.30% $726,031 100 3.60% $752,411 100
  % Growth $ % Share % Growth $ % Share
Newspapers -4.60% $45,763 19.8 -2.40% $44,665 18.1
Broadcast Network Television 2.00% $18,936 8.2 3.20% $19,542 7.9
Cable Network Television 5.00% $17,702 7.7 7.00% $18,941 7.7
Broadcast Syndication 1.00% $3,070 1.3 2.00% $3,132 1.3
Local & National Spot TV -6.00% $26,077 11.3 13.50% $29,597 12
Local/Regional Cable TV 9.00% $6,346 2.8 7.00% $6,790 2.8
Branded Entertainment/Product Placement 35.00% $7,335 3.2 30.00% $9,535 3.9
Videogame Advertising 90.00% $571 0.2 100.00% $1,142 0.5
Cinema Advertising 15.00% $731 0.3 17.50% $859 0.3
Terrestial Radio -2.00% $20,677 9 2.50% $21,194 8.6
Satellite Radio 120.00% $257 0.1 70.00% $438 0.2
Consumer Magazines 4.20% $14,401 6.2 3.80% $14,948 6.1
Business-to-Business Magazines 3.00% $9,268 4 2.50% $9,500 3.9
Custom Publishing 14.00% $20,876 9.1 9.00% $22,754 9.2
Online / Internet 20.00% $16,708 7.2 24.00% $20,717 8.4
Out-of-Home/Place-Based (excl. Cinema) 8.60% $6,974 3 8.00% $7,532 3.1
Mobile Advertising 40.00% $504 0.2 120.00% $1,109 0.4
Yellow Pages-Print 0.50% $14,421 6.3 -1.50% $14,204 5.8
Total Advertising 3.10% $230,617 30.7 6.90% $246,601 31.8
Direct Mail / Marketing 6.00% $168,477 22.4 5.00% $176,901 22.8
Trade Promotion/Slotting Allowances 2.80% $172,438 22.9 -3.00% $167,265 21.6
Consumer Sales Promotion/Incentives 3.50% $136,828 18.2 2.00% $139,564 18
Event Marketing 15.00% $17,002 2.3 15.00% $19,552 2.5
Public Relations 7.50% $4,284 0.6 6.00% $4,541 0.6
Other -7.50% $22,767 3 -7.50% $21,059 2.7
Total Advertising & Marketing 3.60% $752,411 100 3.10% $775,482 100
  % Growth $ % Share % Growth $ % Share
Newspapers -2.40% $44,665 18.1 -4.50% $42,655 16.8
Broadcast Network Television 3.20% $19,542 7.9 -4.00% $18,760 7.4
Cable Network Television 7.00% $18,941 7.7 3.00% $19,510 7.7
Broadcast Syndication 2.00% $3,132 1.3 1.00% $3,163 1.2
Local & National Spot TV 13.50% $29,597 12 -9.50% $26,786 10.5
Local/Regional Cable TV 7.00% $6,790 2.8 2.00% $6,926 2.7
Branded Entertainment/Product Placement 30.00% $9,535 3.9 30.00% $12,395 4.9
Videogame Advertising 100.00% $1,142 0.5 60.00% $1,828 0.7
Cinema Advertising 17.50% $859 0.3 12.50% $967 0.4
Terrestial Radio 2.50% $21,194 8.6 -4.00% $20,346 8
Satellite Radio 70.00% $438 0.2 35.00% $591 0.2
Consumer Magazines 3.80% $14,948 6.1 2.40% $15,307 6
Business-to-Business Magazines 2.50% $9,500 3.9 2.00% $9,690 3.8
Custom Publishing 9.00% $22,754 9.2 6.50% $24,234 9.5
Online / Internet 24.00% $20,717 8.4 28.50% $26,622 10.5
Out-of-Home/Place-Based (excl. Cinema) 8.00% $7,532 3.1 6.00% $7,984 3.1
Mobile Advertising 120.00% $1,109 0.4 120.00% $2,439 1
Yellow Pages-Print -1.50% $14,204 5.8 -2.00% $13,920 5.5
Total Advertising 6.90% $246,601 31.8 3.10% $254,122 32.7
Direct Mail / Marketing 5.00% $176,901 22.8 -1.50% $174,247 22.4
Trade Promotion/Slotting Allowances -3.00% $167,265 21.6 -3.00% $162,247 20.9
Consumer Sales Promotion/Incentives 2.00% $139,564 18 1.50% $141,658 18.2
Event Marketing 15.00% $19,552 2.5 7.50% $21,018 2.7
Public Relations 6.00% $4,541 0.6 6.00% $4,813 0.6
Other -7.50% $21,059 2.7 -7.50% $19,480 2.5
Total Advertising & Marketing 3.10% $775,482 100 0.30% $777,585 100

A recent forecast from Veronis Suhler Stevenson predicted that US online adspend will reach $61.98 billion, surpassing newspapers to become the leading US ad medium in 2011 (see US Online Adspend To Reach $61.98bn).

Meanwhile, a report from TNS Media Intelligence revealed that total US advertising expenditures in the first half of 2007 slipped by 0.3% to $72.59 billion versus the same period in 2006 (see US Adspend Slips 0.3%).

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