
INSIGHTanalysis: Media Healthcheck – December 2007

INSIGHTanalysis: Media Healthcheck – December 2007

December saw the Nielsen Company publish a report which said that younger adult viewers in the US are two-and-a-half times more likely than older viewers to be technologically proactive in catching up on television shows they missed.

The study reported that more than half of older viewers will do nothing or wait for reruns if they miss an episode (see Younger Viewers Work Harder To Catch Up On TV).

Informa Telecoms & Media, meanwhile, forecast that significant growth will result in 38.4 million IPTV homes by 2012 – or more than seven times as much as the figure at the end of 2006 (see IPTV To Be In 38.4m Homes Worldwide By 2012).

Despite this acceleration, Informa predicted that only 3.1% of the world’s TV households will subscribe to an IPTV service by 2012, as the operators battle for market share against cable, satellite and DTT.

A report from Understanding & Solutions predicted that by 2011 the online video market will have a retail value of $3.8 billion worldwide (see Online Video Market To Grow).

The entertainment analyst firm added that despite a raft of activity within the sector – ranging from new service launches, key content partnerships and continued experimentation with business models – online video has, to date, taken off much slower than the industry anticipated.

Forrester Research said that there is still huge potential for growth in Western European residential broadband adoption, despite a slowdown in the majority of national markets.

Forrester said that it sees 44% household penetration at the end of 2007 and forecasts a rise to 71% by the end of 2013 (see Potential For Growth In European Broadband Adoption).

In December we also found out that, according to Ofcom’s second annual International Communications Market Report, advertisers in the UK spend more money per person on internet advertising than any other country, at £33 (see UK Advertisers Spend More Per Person Online Than Any Other Country).

The regulator said that this is twice as much as France, Germany and Italy combined. At 14% of total revenues, spend in the UK on online advertising overtook magazine advertising for the first time and was more than the total spend on outdoor, cinema and radio advertising.

A GroupM forecast predicted that advertising spending in US measured media will show an almost 4% year on year increase in 2008 (see Worldwide Adspend Expected To Rise 7% to $479 billion In 2008).

It added that worldwide spending is expected to rise 7% to $479 billion in 2008 following an anticipated 6% increase in 2007.

ZenithOptimedia predicted that global ad expenditure will grow 6.7% in 2008, up from 5.3% in 2007, thanks to the Olympic Games, elections in the US and European football (see Global Ad Market To Grow In 2008).

Developing markets have taken over as the main contributors to global advertising expenditure growth, said Zenith, compensating for slow growth in developed markets.

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