
Mobile Handset Shipments To Increase Almost 25%

Mobile Handset Shipments To Increase Almost 25%

By 2010, annual mobile handset shipments will have increased by almost 25%, reaching a figure in excess of 1.4 billion units worldwide according to the latest industry report from Understanding & Solutions.

Last year, over 1.1 billion units were shipped globally, with the majority of growth coming from emerging markets, particularly India and Africa, where the upsurge was pegged at more than 20%.

David Sidebottom, a consultant with Understanding & Solutions, said: “Despite a saturated subscriber base in Western Europe, the USA and Japan, we are still seeing growth in these regions.

“In no small part, that’s down to the mobile phone’s role as a fashion accessory, with new handset designs and advanced features encouraging consumers to upgrade early.

“Consequently, we’re seeing a marked shift towards mid and high end handsets in developed regions, and the emergence of new form factors to stimulate the market. This has had a significant effect on the smartphone segment, which grew by over 50% in 2007, with Nokia and Apple leading the charge in bringing these multimedia devices to the consumer market.”

Japan is at the forefront of handset innovation and feature penetration where 3G, cameras, audio playback and email access are now available in around 80% of handsets shipped.

Western Europe and the USA will both catch up on many handset features, though email access is not expected to reach such high levels, particularly in Western Europe.

However, by 2011 the handset market will begin to stabilise, with growth coming from emerging markets and small declines expected in some of the more developed regions.

“With advanced features and multimedia functionality moving mainstream, handset manufacturers are looking towards content services as a keystone for future strategies,” continues Sidebottom.

“These market moves, together with fixed/mobile technologies such as Wi-Fi and WiMax could soon begin to affect the operators’ role in content delivery.”

A recent report from Jupiter Research forecast that European mobile search and display revenues will together reach €1.3 billion by 2012 (see European Mobile Search And Display Revenues To Reach €1.3bn).

The Mobile Advertising in Europe: Achieving Search and Display Revenues in the Long Term report says that beyond SMS marketing, most mobile marketing tactics are still in their infancy and will struggle to meet initial high expectations.

Meanwhile, a report from Acision said that global SMS traffic over the 2007/2008 New Year period increased by 30% compared to the same period last year.

Around the world, phone users sent 43 billion text messages to wish their loved ones a happy New Year (see Global SMS Traffic Up 30% Over New Year Period).

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