
Zenith Downgrades Ad Forecast

Zenith Downgrades Ad Forecast

ZenithOptimedia has downgraded its combined growth forecasts for North America and Western Europe this year, from 4.4% to 3.8%, as the credit crunch drains consumer and business confidence.

However, it has increased its 2008 forecasts for the rest of the world from 10.9% to 11.1%.

The combined result is a slight downgrade of global growth from 6.7% to 6.5%, still well above the 5.0% average rate at which the global ad market has grown for the last ten years, said Zenith.

Continued above-trend growth in 2009 and 2010 is predicted, owing to dynamism in Asia Pacific, Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

Zenith now predicts that developed markets (which we define as North America, Western Europe and Japan) will contribute 37% of new ad expenditure between 2007 and 2010, while developing markets (everywhere else) will contribute 63%.

Over that period the proportion of global ad expenditure going to developing markets will rise from 27% to 33%, two percentage points more than we forecast back in December.

By 2010 Zenith now forecasts internet ad expenditure to reach US$67 billion (up from US$61 billion in its last forecast), and account for 12.3% of the ad market (up from 11.5%).

Some of the internet’s growth is coming at the expense of newspapers, which Zenith expects to grow only 4% over the forecast period. After adjusting for inflation, this equates to a 5% decline in expenditure. Zenith counts advertising on newspapers’ websites as internet advertising, and this is helping newspaper publishers claw back some of their lost revenue.

Advertising Expenditure By Region 
Major Media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, cinema, outdoor, internet), US$ million, current prices. 
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
North America 181,816 186,667 193,606 197,921 202,605
Western Europe 103,576 108,287 112,559 117,253 122,249
Asia Pacific 91,811 98,842 106,980 113,937 122,520
Central & Eastern Europe 24,124 28,756 34,010 39,527 45,143
Latin America 22,725 25,627 29,025 31,941 34,540
Africa/M. East/ROW 13,480 16,657 18,715 21,976 26,063
World 437,531 464,837 494,895 522,555 553,119
Source: ZenithOptimedia
Top Ten Advertising Markets 2010 
Country Ad Expenditure (US$ million)
USA 194,063
Japan 43,875
UK 27,861
China 24,266
Germany 22,678
Russia 17,205
Brazil 14,223
France 13,486
Italy 12,319
South Korea 11,796
Source: ZenithOptimedia

A recent forecast from Carat predicted that 2009 will see advertising growth of 4.9% worldwide, with the fastest-growing regions set to be Asia Pacific and Latin America (see Global Adspend Forecast To Grow 4.9% in 2009).

A new forecast published by the World Advertising Research Center in association with the Advertising Association, meanwhile, says that advertising expenditure in Europe will grow by 3.9% in 2008 (see European Adspend Forecast To Grow 4% In 2008).

UK adspend is expected to rise by 3.5% this year, while adspend in the US is set to increase by 4.4%, helped by the presidential elections.

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