
Marketers Turning To Social Media

Marketers Turning To Social Media

UK marketers are increasingly turning to social and viral media, according to a new survey carried out by the Online Marketing and Media Show (OMMS).

The study reveals that marketers are no longer spending their marketing budgets on traditional banner advertising, making way for the growth in interactive mediums like social media and viral marketing.

Overall online marketing spend continues to increase, with over a third of all survey respondents revealing that up to 25% of their marketing budget will be dedicated purely to online marketing and media this year, a 15% increase over predicted spend in 2007.

The survey also revealed that 75% of respondents generate more accountable return on investment from their online marketing and media activity than their more traditional marketing tools.

The 2008 State of the Marketer survey from Eloqua found that 55% of US marketers anticipate a decrease in print ad spend three years from now, with US marketers continuing to put their ad dollars online (see US Marketers Continue To Spend Online).

Online advertising spend is expected grow at a rapid rate, forecast Eloqua with 90% of US marketers saying they will continue to increase their direct online advertising budgets – and 15% saying they will ‘radically’ increase online ad spend.

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