
Brands Increase Mobile Marketing Spend

Brands Increase Mobile Marketing Spend

A new survey shows that brands will have increased their spend on mobile marketing 150% by 2013 and do not anticipate any impact on budgets as a result of the current economic crisis.

The survey, commissioned by 02 and carried out by Vanson Bourne, found that the personalised nature of mobile marketing campaigns means they generate a higher response rate than traditional advertising.

Sixty percent of marketing directors questioned favoured mobile marketing because it was considered better for close targeting, especially in financial services advertising.

SMS was used by nearly a third of all businesses interviewed, yet half of the marketers questioned who have yet to make use of mobile marketing campaigns claim they are concerned that their customers will view the text messages as spam.

Simon Dean, head of mobile media at O2 UK said: “One in 10 of those we surveyed already think mobile marketing has saved their business at least £1m when compared to other marketing solutions.

“With more consumers than ever browsing the web through their mobile handsets, there is a significant and largely untapped audience for brands to target their customers directly.”

GfK published its Mobile Advertising Report (MAR) in August, which found that a high percentage of mobile phone users in the UK, US and India received advertising messages through their mobile phones (see High Percentage Of Mobile Users Receiving Advertising Messages).

According to the report, text messaging remains the most common advertising format in all three countries.

However, a TNS study found that while a vast majority believe that content downloads to mobile phones should be free of charge, there is a growing number of consumers that are so averse to advertising that they are now willing to pay a premium in order to avoid it (see Ad-Averse Mobile Users Will Pay To Avoid Advertising).

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