
US Newspaper Websites Get Record Number Of Unique Visitors In Q3

US Newspaper Websites Get Record Number Of Unique Visitors In Q3

US newspaper websites attracted more than 68.3 million unique visitors on average (41.4% of all internet users) in the third quarter of 2008, a record number that reflects a 15.8% year on year increase.

According to figures from Nielsen Online for the Newspaper Association of America, newspaper website visitors generated an average of just over 3.5 billion page views per month throughout the quarter, a 25.2% year on year increase.

These figures are the highest for any quarter since NAA began tracking the data in 2004.

John Sturm, NAA president and CEO, John F. Sturm, said: “Record audiences are trusting newspaper websites for comprehensive, up to the minute reporting and analysis on the events that impact their lives. Newspapers are the top local brands that readers turn to for information.”

In March this year a study from comScore found that non-newspaper readers in the US are likely to be younger than average online news consumers, while heavy newspaper readers are more likely than average to engage with traditional print news brands online (see Heavy Online News Consumers Are Not Newspaper Readers).

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