
Online video viewing to rise in 2009

Online video viewing to rise in 2009

The coming year will see a rise in online video viewing and a shift to online ad spending, according to a new report from comScore.

Viewing of TV and movie content online continues to become a more mainstream behaviour, said comScore, offering advertisers a new opportunity to capitalise on this highly engaged audience.

Recent research from Knowledge Networks found that more than one in 10 (11%) young adults age 18-34 in the US now watches TV online at least once a week (see Watching online TV growing in popularity in US).

The recession is causing major advertisers to re-evaluate their advertising expenditures, with several industries – including auto manufacturers and CPG companies – indicating shifts in spending to the online channel to take advantage of bargain CPMs, ad-targeting capabilities, and more measurable advertising ROI, comScore added.

A report in The Economist, meanwhile, suggested that online advertising will continue to expand during the economic downturn – just not as quickly as previously expected (see Online advertising will continue to expand in the recession).

comScore also forecasts that widgets and applications will be big this year, with publishers and advertisers beginning to think seriously about how to monetise this content.

Mobile internet penetration is expected to soar as well. With smartphones continuing to drop in price, 2009 is expected to be another record-breaking year for mobile internet, comScore said.

Online retail spending is also expected to boom, as those looking to weather the economic storm look for ways to draw more shoppers to their online stores through discounts, promotions and incentives.

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