
UK adspend fell 3.9% in 2008

UK adspend fell 3.9% in 2008

Total UK adspend fell by 3.9% for the full year 2008, and was down 9.6% year on year in the fourth quarter, according to new research from the World Advertising Research Center (WARC) on behalf of the Advertising Association.

Newspapers grabbed a 25% share of total adspend last year, just ahead of TV with 23%, while the internet now commands a 20% share.
Advertising expenditure by medium, 2007 and 2008 
  2007 on 2006 % change  2008 on 2007 % change 
Newspapers1 -0.3% -12.0%
Magazines2 -3.8% -9.9%
Television 2.8% -4.9%
Radio 3.4% -8.5%
Outdoor 4.6% -3.8%
Cinema 9.8% -0.9%
Direct Mail -6.5% -6.0%
Internet3 39.5% 17.3%
Total measured adspend4 4.6% -3.9%
Notes: Classified recruitment for national and regional newspapers exclude online advertising paid for separately to a print campaign – this is included in internet advertising expenditure. 1 Includes supplements. 2 Excludes supplements. 3 Internet figures are WARC estimates. 6 Excludes directory advertising and production expenditure and includes agency commission.
Source: AA’s Quarterly Survey of Advertising Expenditure

In a separate forecast released last month, WARC predicted that adspend levels in the UK will fall by 4.3% in 2009 at current prices, with the first upturn, a modest 0.3% rise year-on-year, set for Q2 2010 (see UK adspend levels to fall 4.3% in 2009).

Last December, GroupM forecast that total UK advertising spend will fall by nearly 6% year on year in 2009, the worst of any developed country (see UK ad spend to fall nearly 6% in 2009).

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